Thursday, November 4, 2010

Waitakere Trust Art Awards

24th Annual Art Exhibition
November 5th - 14th
Presented by WCCAC & The Trusts

Opening Night and award ceremony of the Waitakere Trust Art Awards presented many magnificent pieces entered by exceptional artists locally and across the nation.

I was honoured to accept the award for 'Merit Landscape' as the quality of work in the exhibition was impressive making it truly a competition.

My work "Looking into Whites"

120cm x 100cm

Acrylic and oil on canvas

Judges comments: Looking into Whites

"If Dali had been born on the west coast of NZ his early work could have looked like this. It has a surreal dramaticism, yet with a true naturalists' eye for the writhing Ti-tree and wind bent Kanuka. There is the primal unknown/mystery of the bush echoed forebodingly in the menacing storm horizon."