Sunday, August 22, 2010

For those of you that missed my successful opening for "WESTSCAPES" do not worry... Exhibition runs for two more weeks, finishing on September 2nd. All are welcome to stop by the gallery anytime to view the exhibition. Depot Art Space, 28 clarence street Devonport. Gallery open Mon 12-5, Tues-Sat 10-5, and Sun 10-4

West Scapes
By Carrie Ade

August 21st – September 2nd Alterspace Gallery

Through her work Carrie Ade strives to inspire appreciation for the beautiful intricacies of the landscape. Her depictions present the dramatic viewpoints of the ever changing colours and contours of the rugged and impressive Waitakere ranges and west coast beaches. Carrie has a strong passion for conservation and the preservation of the native forest and bush land and her works demonstrate the natural beauty of the region in all of its unmanicured and undisrupted grandeur.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The past three months have been busy busy..
Success at Auckland's Original Art Sale, the largest annual art show in New Zealand.
Followed by the Emerging Art Sale at Alaxandra Park and the New Zealand Art Show in Wellington. And several gallery group exhibition.. I am very happy to report that I have sold work at all!!

And now this Saturday, August 21st the opening for
"West Scapes"
my solo exhibition at the Depot Art Space in Devonport.
Cheese and wine opening 3 - 4:30pm 28 Clarence st Devonport

Months and months of work, finally materialising before the public eye!

A sneak preview of the works hung :

Art by
Carrie Ade

Through these works I aim to inspire the viewer to connect with their natural surrounds and appreciate the beautiful intricacies of the landscape . My depictions of the native landscape seek to captivate and infuse the onlooker to engage with nature by presenting dramatic viewpoints of our ever changing coastlines and forests, emphasizing the native foliage, contours, shadows and colours .
The colours I have used and images depicted are extracted from the impressions I have retained from my daily wanderings in and around the west coast beaches of Auckland and primarily my home in Piha. Through a spectrum of deep blues , greys and greens, I endevour to demonstrate the power of the weather, the beauty of the regenerating native bush and the impressiveness of the landscape.

I work in the style of exaggerated realism using a combination of acrylic and oil paints to represent the volcanic hills and mountians and headlands which are continuously being shaped by the constant exposure to raw elements.
These pieces depict only the native flora to New Zealand. I am deeply passionate about preserving the native forest and bushland and strive to demonstrate the natural beauty of the region in all of its unmanicured and undisrupted grandeur.